geminiscapa / Air shoot
Southern Michigan, USA
Utricularia geminiscapa is a
perennial, suspended aquatic bladderwort, endemic to North America. In the US,
it is recorded in 16 states.
The branching stolon (horizontal stem) grows to 20-60 cm. Air shoots are
produced in dense growth.
This species characteristically produces cleistogamous flowers underwater in
addition to the normal, chasmogamous flowers in the air.
U. geminiscapa
- A growth point.
U. geminiscapa
- A whole plant with multiple growth points.
U. geminiscapa
- A whole plant.
U. geminiscapa
- A branching stolon.
U. geminiscapa
- Leaves with filiform segments. Traps sporadic on segments.
U. geminiscapa
- Air shoot and a cleistogamous flower seen emerging from the
main stolon.
U. geminiscapa
- Air shoot.
U. geminiscapa
- The tip of an air shoot with elliptic scales.