Broadcast November 3, 2003 |
Many, many THANKS! to my transcriber!
Please do not repost or reproduce.… It's Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio. Welcome back to it. Joey Donovan here with you along with two thirds of the usual suspects! David Durica, the Enemy Guy, Lauren Urban, Oboe Crazy. And I know I'm called the pride of Vanderbilt Catholic High, but I'm also very proud of my Irish Catholic heritage. My Dad was Irish Catholic, so I get that from that side of the family. And I'm very, very proud to have this beautiful young lady on because to me she is the embodiment of a strong Irish woman. In fact, I forgot what her name was, I'm so excited!
Kate Mulgrew: (laughing) That's what they all say!
Joey Donovan: Kate Mulgrew joins us on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio. Welcome, ma'am.
Kate Mulgrew: Hello, hello, Southern Florida.
Joey Donovan: Yes, indeed. Indeed. And we know that you're… we know that at the time of this broadcast, you are fully ensconced in the role of one of my favorite actresses of all time, not because of just the work she did on screen, but also at the same time 'cause she was a strong woman as well. Katharine Hepburn.
Kate Mulgrew: A remarkable woman indeed.
Joey Donovan: Indeed.
Kate Mulgrew: Yes.
Joey Donovan: Indeed.
Kate Mulgrew: Who is no longer with us, as you know.
Joey Donovan: Yes…
Kate Mulgrew: Putting an even … I shouldn't say this, I mean I hope that I'm articulating this as I wish to… I mean to say that her death, in a sense, enhances this piece.
Joey Donovan: Hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: Which calls for… not so much the nostalgic reflection as much as the truth of her life. And I think this is what Hepburn craved. And I think that we are honoring her in this piece. It is certainly not a vanity piece…
Joey Donovan: Hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: But it is a great tribute to one of the true iconoclasts of our time, if not the greatest maverick actress.
Joey Donovan: Hmmm… and she was a maverick. I know that at the time – and it's hard to believe because here we are in the early years of the 21st century, where women are in positions of power – they are playing the same ball game with the 'old boy's club', if you will…
Kate Mulgrew: Uh hmm….
Joey Donovan: And yet at the same time, back about some sixty-five, seventy years ago it was a completely different scenario. It was … and for Katharine Hepburn to more or less play the game in the boy's ball park, and hit a grand slam - that was unthinkable for any other actress.
Kate Mulgrew: It's very smart of you to say that because in fact that's what I always start out with. And if I may… correct you… I don't think that that boy's club has changed so much in Hollywood.
Joey Donovan: Hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: I think that if you realize what Hepburn did in the thirties, it was astoundingly brave. She simply strode in there - I like to say she shot herself like an arrow into Hollywood…
Joey Donovan: Uh hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: No apologies and she took no prisoners…
Joey Donovan: Yeah.
Kate Mulgrew: And it was her way, or the highway. And she worked it in such a way that her keen intelligence… she had such a supple mind. I mean she could really work quickly in a room with those guys…
Joey Donovan: Uh hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: Upended all of them. And it was… she unlocked the doors, I think, for all women of intelligence in this craft.
Joey Donovan: I do stand corrected, probably because of the fact that I'm hopeful!
Kate Mulgrew: I'm hopeful too. And I don't … I would never cast aspersions. Hollywood has been very good to me and I've loved my life there.
Joey Donovan: Uh hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: But it's very, very difficult to … penetrate… how do I… the numbers crunchers, for lack of a better phrase.
Lauren Urban: Yeah…
Kate Mulgrew: I mean, it is about money.
Joey Donovan: Yes.
Kate Mulgrew: And Hepburn managed to transcend that, which is absolutely remarkable.
Lauren Urban: It's always difficult taking a real-life personality and then being able to portray them on stage and give a full depth and range to who they really were. What is it about "Tea at Five" that makes you feel like you're able to really bring as much of Katharine Hepburn, you know, and show that to the audience?
Kate Mulgrew: Well first it's always on the page or it's not going to happen.
Joey Donovan: Exactly.
Kate Mulgrew: And so kudos go immediately to the playwright, Matthew Lombardo, who wrote this explicitly for me. And as serendipity would have it, the liaison was my best friend, Nancy Addison, who is no longer with us, and who was a great friend of his. They were watching me on Star Trek: Voyager one day and he sat up and said, "That woman should play Hepburn," and she said, "You write the script and I'll get it to her."
Joey Donovan: You know he wasn't the only one who thought that that woman should play Katharine Hepburn. You… to me you're the spit… you're the spirit and image, not spitting image, but the spirit and image…
Kate Mulgrew: Oh, Joey… thank you.
Joey Donovan: You're welcome.
Kate Mulgrew: What a nice thing to say…
Joey Donovan: Well… yeah…
Kate Mulgrew: So he wrote it, and he sent it to me and I thought that his construct was so clever – the polarity of her life – in Act 1 I'm thirty-one, having just been labeled Box Office Poison – extremely agitated, but completely full of myself – determined to be the next Scarlett O'Hara, which was what she was really hanging her hat on. It was pretty extraordinary thinking. We see her after her love affair with Howard Hughes, Leland Hayward, John Ford. We see her… we see her vulnerability, but just the peaks of the fragility which would bring her down in later life. And in Act 2 she's seventy-six following a very serious car accident in which she almost lost her right foot. And she's far more reflective, far more self-deprecating… really quite wonderful in Act 2. But I think the fact that he hit on this polarity was just the ticket for the illustration of her life, which as you can imagine is daunting to say the least!
Joey Donovan: You know, from a technical aspect of things, I know that it was Hal Holbrook who did Mark Twain as a one-man show at one point and…
Kate Mulgrew: At no ending point… I met the man for the first time a couple of months ago at an event, and of course I was very pleased to meet him, and very anxious to probe him, and I said, "Mr. Holbrook how long have you been doing Mark Twain?" He said, "Forty-seven years, and now I say whatever the hell I want!" I thought well good, this will take me into my death!
Joey Donovan: But if it means much… obviously I know that when you play a character who is thirty-eight in one scene and in the next scene is in her seventies, the makeup is also involved. From a technical aspect being in theater…
Kate Mulgrew: That's right. Right…
Joey Donovan: And at the same time, with this particular break, if you will, of fifteen minutes… how… I know that … and obviously this might be a spoiler here, but at the same time I'm curious as to how you can portray Katharine Hepburn as a seventy-six year-old from inside, rather than from a physical appearance?
Kate Mulgrew: Well… if I told you that, I'd probably understand a great deal more about myself. It's kind of a secret that even I don't understand.
Joey Donovan: (laughs) Yes…
Kate Mulgrew: The transformation physically is very simple as you can imagine. I mean I've got a wonderful dresser, who's been with me from the beginning. Kara Volkmann. We do that with much dexterity backstage. That only takes ten minutes. And then for some reason, when the wig goes on… it just happens. She comes and visits. Act 2 in fact is much easier for me than Act 1. I don't know if that's because I'm at an age now where it's easier for me to (laughs) appreciate the octogenarian angle, but… it does seem to be a bit easier.
Joey Donovan: Well I can safely say, because we probably got to know more… I mean we all were at one point in time contemporaries of Katharine Hepburn in the later years of her life…
Kate Mulgrew: Uh hmm….
Joey Donovan: So we were most familiar with her works probably from "The Lion in Winter", or rather before that "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", "The Lion in Winter", all the way up to "On Golden Pond".
Kate Mulgrew: Right…
Joey Donovan: And then of course you know, the documentaries we've seen about her and about her life and to a certain extent Martin Short parodying her, on SCTV…
Kate Mulgrew: Yes…
Joey Donovan: Umm….
Kate Mulgrew: I've heard, but not seen…
Joey Donovan: Yeah…
Kate Mulgrew: Yes.
Joey Donovan: It's interesting to say the least. But at the same we've been familiar with her, at least in her elderly years so perhaps maybe that’s a… in a way…
Kate Mulgrew: Oh undoubtedly that makes it easier with the audience. And don't forget, in this particular piece the audience is my partner.
Joey Donovan: Hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: So the fourth wall disappears. And you're right. I mean I'm aware that certainly anybody under forty in the audience is not familiar with the young Kate. So there's… you know, I'm educating the audience a lot in Act 1, but I'm also playing with them. And so I have found that a tougher task than Act 2. But that's what makes it so exciting.
Joey Donovan: Indeed.
Kate Mulgrew: Every night.
Lauren Urban: Besides the obvious challenge of being on stage for two hours by yourself, you know, what challenges do you have being in a one-woman show?
Kate Mulgrew: Well… you just named really…
(All laugh!)
Kate Mulgrew: …fundamentally the constitutional one!
Lauren Urban: Uh hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: The vocal one - very tough because I trick my voice in this play and I travel about three octaves from Act 1 to Act 3… and I integrate the Parkinson's which is very tough on my vocal chords. So that's the cosmetic part, and I'm not getting any younger, so I have to really warm up my body. But I think more than that it is a sense of risk taking and utter concentration which is - and I'm sure you will understand this when I say it – is the greatest kind of pleasure there is…
Joey Donovan: Indeed…
Kate Mulgrew: As an actor.
Joey Donovan: Indeed.
Kate Mulgrew: Concentration sets you free.
Joey Donovan: Exactly. Exactly. Kate Mulgrew is our guest on this hour of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio. She is currently appearing in West Palm Beach Florida at the Cuillo Centre for the Arts in the one-woman show, "Tea at Five", in which she is Katharine Hepburn. And that performance is going on now through January 25th of 2004. So we invite you to check out the website for that which is
Stay tuned, after the break we'll be talking more with Kate Mulgrew about Katharine Hepburn, about her career, and about a TV show she did called Star Trek: Voyager. You're listening to a broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio. Check out our website, it's
Lauren Urban: Welcome back to Sci-Fi Overdrive, where it's our pleasure to have the distinguished actress, Kate Mulgrew, on. We've been talking about her appearance as Katharine Hepburn in "Tea at Five", and I had a question for you. So in this performance – it is a one-woman performance – we've seen you in Voyager which is a very ensemble show, you've also done voice work for a bunch of animated series. Looking back on all these fairly diverse acting … ways of acting – what do you prefer, and why?
Kate Mulgrew: Hmm… that's a very tough question, which has been frequently asked of me.
Lauren Urban: Hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: I prefer what I'm doing when I'm doing it.
Lauren Urban: (laughs)
Kate Mulgrew: For sheer depth and pushing the envelope, there's nothing like the theater. Also, I love the immediacy of the audience. I just love it. It suits me to a tee. However, seven years in the Delta Quadrant taught me a great deal…
Joey Donovan/Lauren Urban: Uh hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: … About my own mind, which I had to severely discipline. The techno-babble, the hours. This character who was fairly skeletal when we met her in the first season, whom I had to dress with humanity and nuance and levity, I hope. And heart, laughter and some passion. All of that for seven years was something I'm very proud of. Deeply proud of it. And the fact that I think that I was a kind of role model to some girls was the icing on the cake. There can be no greater gratification than that certainly, in a career.
Joey Donovan: Especially now since women in the genre for all intents and purposes are now more empowered than ever before.
Kate Mulgrew: That's right.
Joey Donovan: Especially with the conclusion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where basically all slayers were now empowered at the end of the episode so Buffy basically had a lot of slack cut for her. She can now actually have a life! And at the same time it's my hope that at least in fiction and entertainment that we could have … that we can continue to have women in leading roles who are not just the type who are just going to be …just kind of like the June Cleaver image, if you will, but someone who's in a position of power and not for the sake of being a woman, but for sake of because of the fact that she's got the experience and she knows what she's doing.
Kate Mulgrew: Oh, I think June Cleaver has well and truly gone to the smoke house, don't you?! I think that one can say that Captain Janeway broke the mold. But I think it's probably more accurate to say that this has been going on for some time and that now the brass in Hollywood – the people in important positions are also women and that this will… this will happen much more frequently than it has in the past.
Joey Donovan: Kate…
Kate Mulgrew: Although, mind you, I think that there always has to be a balance, don't you?
Joey Donovan: Indeed. Indeed there has to be a balance.
Kate Mulgrew: We don't want to riddle space with women, do we?!
Lauren Urban: (laughs)
Joey Donovan: (laughs) It depends on what fan-boys you talk to!
Kate Mulgrew: Uh hmm!!
Joey Donovan: Kate Mulgrew is our guest on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive… etc.
Joey Donovan: Back on this hour of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio – Joey Donovan here, glad to have you with us. Joined here this hour with Lauren Urban, David Durica, and, via telephone, Kate Mulgrew, who currently is now appearing in the one-woman show as Katharine Hepburn, "Tea at Five". It is going on right now through January 25th at the Cuillo Centre for the Arts in West Palm Beach.
And I know, Miss Mulgrew, that you have made it a point to research the life of Katharine Hepburn. A very public woman, and at the same time a very private woman. And I know that her relationship for all those years with Spencer Tracy was more or less both public and private. But at the same time, was there anything about Katharine Hepburn that you stumbled upon that you discovered that no one had any knowledge about?
Kate Mulgrew: Yes, a few things. I don't know if I should tell them on the air because it's … it's revealed in the piece and I think that it's pretty stunning. Let me just see… if I can encompass it or encapsulate it by saying that I was shocked at the extent of her vulnerability…
Joey Donovan: Hmmm….
Kate Mulgrew: … and her… her… what am I… her adoration of Tracy… slash… fear. She truly exalted him. Idealized him. In a way that was not proportional to… to what the reality was serving up. He was very married. He had no intention of leaving his wife Louise, ever. And if we are to believe Hepburn, it was never discussed between them. Well I don't believe that. I'm sure that it was, and I'm sure that she held out hope until the last – that he would leave his wife and… for lack of a better way of putting it, make an honest woman out of her. But that never happened.
Joey Donovan: Hmm…
Kate Mulgrew: So I think that her capacity for devastation – for accepting devastation – was great. After the suicide of her brother Tom who she also adored, at the age of fifteen, she pretty well defined herself as a woman who understood the essence of grief. And I think she lived that out in her relationship with Tracy as she had with her brother and to some degree with her father.
Joey Donovan: Interesting. Very interesting.
Kate Mulgrew: It is very interesting life.
Joey Donovan: Yes. Kate Mulgrew joins us on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio. I know you've done "Tea at Five" oh… coming up on two years now it seems, starting off in Hepburn's backyard in Hartford, Connecticut, and right now you're currently doing the performance of "Tea at Five" as Katharine Hepburn in this magnificent one-woman show through January 25th at the Cuillo Centre for the Arts in West Palm Beach. And for more information on that check out the website for "Tea at Five", it's …. etc.
Joey Donovan: Back on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive. Joey Donovan here with you, along with David Durica the Enemy Guy, Lauren Urban, Oboe Crazy, and Kate Mulgrew who… how can I say this… somewhere in a parallel universe could very well be the first lady of the great state of Ohio. But there's an old Irish saying – "Want to make God laugh – tell him your plans!"
Kate Mulgrew: Yeah…
Joey Donovan: And that having been said, perhaps maybe it's just the experience of being involved in the political process and of course there's always another election coming up, but I know that still it was a lot of … I know it was more or less tearing yourself away from your career to help your husband out. And I know that more than anything that it was probably the most important aspect in that campaign in his run for governor of Ohio.
Kate Mulgrew: Well I mean let's just be frank about it. There's just no question. My husband was undertaking something so monumental and so important. There are 11 million people in Ohio. The state is in critical condition. He is a public servant from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. A real… last of the lion hearts. And when I was campaigning at his side, or simply observing him, I must say, I thought – and I doubt that many women can say this – I had a sort of odd experience because I am, of course, infinitely bound to my husband, but I recognized him as someone so perfectly unique, and outside of myself. And such a servant of the people. And still as honest as the day is long. A 'New Dealer'. His passion is exactly in his principles. And it taught me a lot about what we need to admire. And we need to admire men like that. Politics is a tough game. Nothing in my experience can even touch it. And I… I was just… assaulted… as I would watch him attack one issue after another. In the face of just…such daunting obstacles. Money… and you know, the politics of Ohio are so complicated. And we're living in a time when I think that we are in such a perilous situation both nationally and internationally - I don't know if we should get involved in that. But my husband's politics, which are, as you probably are aware, Democratic ones were… were looked upon with a bit of a jaundiced eye, since I think that we have been fed a lot of palaver by our current administration. Maybe we should just put a little period on that, huh?
Joey Donovan: Well obviously your husband's politics would be agreeable to the late Gene Roddenberry…
Kate Mulgrew: Yes.
Joey Donovan: The creator of Star Trek and I know about the same time that you met your husband it was about the same time that you got the call for coming back a second time to read for the role of Janeway, because for those folks who didn't know, you weren't… you weren't on the top of the short list for the character.
Kate Mulgrew: I wasn't the first Janeway! Genevieve Bujold was hired. She played it for one day. And then she hung up her hat. (In a French accent) This is too difficult for me. And thank you, or as we say in Iowa, merci beaucoup, mademoiselle, because she gave me the seven greatest years of my life. And they brought me in. Yeah, they had to bring in about six actresses whom they'd seen and liked, and then we go to network, and it's a kind of knock down thing. And Rick Berman called me up and said, "Just wanted to say welcome aboard, Captain." And that was it, I went to work two days later.
Joey Donovan: Wow. It's amazing considering the nature of the circumstances at that time in your personal life.
Kate Mulgrew: And it is true that I… I ran to meet him, you know. I had fallen deeply in love with him. It was this Sicilian thunderbolt! And I had just done an audition for Voyager and it was appallingly bad because all I could think about was Hagan and getting to him and throwing my arms around him and so when I did he said, "What's that?" And I said, "Oh, it's just this thing I completely blew," and he said, "Let me look at it – Star Trek: Voyager, huh? " And I said, "Yes, but I'm certain I didn't get it, it was so… so bad." He said, "Um, I think you're mistaken, I think you will get this." And he sat down and read it cover to cover and said, "Yah, this one's made to order." So I'll never forget those words.
Joey Donovan: You know, it's amazing how you fleshed out your character on the series, because of the fact that whenever I got the chance to tune in to the program there were always some certain situations about the character of Janeway that somehow I knew that it wasn't Janeway, it was Kate Mulgrew, in terms of bringing out her upbringing, her heritage.
Kate Mulgrew: Yeah.
Joey Donovan: And one of my favorite episodes involves a relationship that Captain Janeway had in the holodeck in a holodeck version of an Irish village where she falls…
Kate Mulgrew: Fairhaven. Yeah.
Joey Donovan: Yes. And it was quite good because obviously you had the character – the tough as nails Starfleet captain, and yet she's like acting giddy as a schoolgirl over this nonentity, for all rights and purposes.
Kate Mulgrew: Ah. The joys of protocol! Yeah. That holodeck. I'll tell you what! That's what I miss the most! (all laugh) Every good house should have one!
Joey Donovan: Well I know that Star Trek - every Star Trek series has always been a family, and I know that the Voyager family is no different. And I know that it must have been a magnificent time – those seven years. What are some of the… how can I say this? What are some of the funnier memories – that at least can be broadcast for radio?
Kate Mulgrew: None of them can be broadcast, Joey - they were so bad – those guys! Friday night on that bridge was a nightmare! I should be canonized! None of them had their trousers on by 2 a.m. There were spitballs all over the place – and of course this was when I was doing my close-ups!
Joey Donovan: Ahhh….
Kate Mulgrew: They thought that was the time to really… Tim Russ was… inexcusable! Robert Beltran doing Burt Lancaster at the top of his voice at three o'clock. Robbie McNeill… I mean – they were so funny. Doing the Can Can! Making me laugh.
Joey Donovan: Yeah…
Kate Mulgrew: And that's what saw us through. But I have an extraordinary fondness for all of them. Certainly some are a bit closer than others, but what a remarkable group of people. Bob Picardo, Robbie McNeill, Roxann Dawson. John Ethan Phillips… just golden friends.
Joey Donovan: Indeed. Indeed. I know that Star Trek: Voyager was – if you put it in the Roddenberry terms, while the Original Series was more or less a reflection of the sixties and The Next Generation was a reflection of the eighties and the nineties, Voyager was more or less a reflection of Generation X, if you will, in terms of trying to find their way back home, and not just to do the laundry!
Kate Mulgrew: Right. Right.
Joey Donovan: And I kind of realize that you were given this … this sort of skeletal structure, if you will, and you were asked to go with it. Did you feel that telling the story over the course of that seven years was a monumental task, or was it just like the old… the old saying, "How do you eat an elephant… one bite at a time."
Kate Mulgrew: I think I thought it was pretty big.
Joey Donovan: Yeah.
Kate Mulgrew: It felt big. And my commitment to it was big. And it needed that, because it's very, very hard work. And in order to do it really well, there has to be a … a kind of total devotion to the genre, which was foreign to me at the time that I started. And so I just sort of immersed myself. But there wasn't a lot of time for whimsy. It had the … the focus was intense. It had to be in order to deliver each scene. Long, long days, Joey.
Joey Donovan: I can imagine so. And yet, the first time you made an appearance at a Star Trek convention – what was that like?
Kate Mulgrew: Well, you can imagine – it was overwhelming.
Joey Donovan: Yeah.
Kate Mulgrew: I mean the support just felt so unconditional. I knew, of course, that they were great Roddenberry fans and that they simply loved… the story – the myth. And I just hoped that I could deliver for them, and so… they have been, by the way – the fans – the Trekkers, as they're called – unbelievably supportive of me and so gracious to me. I feel quite certain that I would not have been as successful had they not been behind me.
Joey Donovan: More with Kate Mulgrew coming up after the break…. etc.
Joey Donovan: In this hour of Sci-Fi Overdrive and Business Talk Radio we've been talking with an extraordinary woman, Kate Mulgrew, who currently right now is appearing as another extraordinary woman, Katharine Hepburn, in a one-woman show, "Tea at Five", which is currently running now through January 25th at the Cuillo Centre for the Arts in West Palm Beach. Check out the website, by the way, it's, and I know that… I know Kate Mulgrew, I think the most important thing that I think, when looking at your body of work – Ryan's Hope, Mrs. Columbo, The Manions of America, Star Trek: Voyager, there's this… there's this tough Irish broad that's the backbone of everything you've done.
Kate Mulgrew: Yeah.
Joey Donovan: Yeah…
Kate Mulgrew: I would say you're probably right.
Joey Donovan: Yeah, and a strong Irish woman in certain respects, because that's the kind of woman that I would love to be married to one day! One who can take care of herself and at the same time put her husband in his place. And (Josh?) says I need to be put in my place most times…
Kate Mulgrew: You say that, but when that striking blonde walks in and says, "Oh, Sweetie Pie…" they all melt, don't they?!
Joey Donovan: Yeah. But obviously you had a magnificent up-bringing as well, in Dubuque, Iowa, being the oldest girl in a family…
Kate Mulgrew: I had an unusual up-bringing. I was one of eight children. Lost two sisters…
Joey Donovan: Oh…
Kate Mulgrew: When they were young - which of course shaped the family. My mother was a painter, my father was a business man. Very tight-knit clan, but very complicated as well. You can appreciate that, as you are Irish Catholic. It's never as simple as it appears.
Joey Donovan: Exactly.
Kate Mulgrew: So I was both encouraged and discouraged respectively by my parents, regarding acting. My mother thought I should just go for it whole-heartedly and my father resisted…
Joey Donovan: Uh hmm….
Kate Mulgrew: … thinking that I would fail. And so I think that that friction between them is what really stood me in good stead… in the final moment. So they've been… they've been terrific parents. I get a little emotional because my mother's sick now – she has Alzheimer's. And she's been… this is her birthday, today.
Joey Donovan/Lauren Urban: Oh…
Kate Mulgrew: So say happy birthday to a woman who – without whom I would never have known this joy. Truly the mother of my deepest heart. Great woman.
Joey Donovan: Well if it means much, my dear, she lives on through you.
Kate Mulgrew: Thank you very much.
Joey Donovan: And we have, and I know you've… through your work you were able to see a great job that your parents have done… raising you right!
Kate Mulgrew: (laughs) Thank you Joey.
Joey Donovan: Most welcome!
Kate Mulgrew: We keep trying to get it right, don't we?
Joey Donovan: Indeed. Indeed. "Tea at Five" is the one-woman play as Katharine Hepburn that you're performing in right now at the Cuillo Centre for the Arts through January 25th of 2004. Obviously there are more performances in store for 04, but not just yet, they're being planned. If you wish to reference the website,, you'll find out more about the production itself, and more about the actress, Kate Mulgrew, who has been our guest this hour on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Radio.
Katherine Kiernan Mulgrew, it's an honor. It's been an honor to have you on, and thank you for all you've done, Ma'am.
Kate Mulgrew: It's been a joy - you guys are so gracious. Thank you very, very much.
Joey Donovan: Thank you so much …
Lauren Urban: Thank you.
Kate Mulgrew: I look forward to meeting you. Will I meet you?
Joey Donovan: Yes Ma'am.
Lauren Urban: Absolutely.
Kate Mulgrew: All right. Let's make a date.
Joey Donovan: We will.
Kate Mulgrew: All right.
Joey Donovan: And thank you so much for being on this broadcast of Sci-Fi Overdrive.
Kate Mulgrew: Thank you. Take care.
Joey Donovan: You too, Ma'am. Thank you very much.
Kate Mulgrew: Bye, bye.
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