Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada July 31, 2004 |
Many Thanks! to my transcriber! Please do
not repost or reproduce. If you enjoy reading the transcript and visiting the Totally Kate site please consider making a donation to the Alzheimer's Association. Thank you! ********************** Kate Mulgrew: Thank you. My, what a vast and daunting group you are. And how delighted I am to see you. I have really only one question, which may determine the rest of this hour. Is this a non-partisan congregation? And if so, how do I correct it!? I had meant to come and regale you with many stories of the DNC (Democratic National Convention, ed.), I was invited to be a delegate this year for the Creative Coalition, and I was looking forward to sharing with you many of the stories of my illustrious meetings with all the mucketty mucks in Boston. However the circumstances of life conspired against me as they so often do, and there was a small family crisis which prevented me from going. I think I understand the definition of family values better than President Bush. Family values simply means that you choose your family and miss out on all the fun! That's my experience. But I am sorry to have missed the Democratic Convention. I wanted very much to listen to everybody. However we watched them at home. I must say I was absolutely impressed with Senator Kerry. I am not going to make this a platform for my political persuasions, ladies and gentlemen. Life is too short. But I will urge you all please, in this very difficult… (responding to someone in the audience) Vote Bush? No, that would not be my particular urging! I urge you all to vote. And if you know anybody who is in a swing state, or anybody who's on the fence, urge them to vote. It is our duty and our obligation as citizens. We are very, very lucky to be American citizens. Surely this past four years has taught us that, more than any other time (in history). It is a great nation and we have to work hard and fight hard to keep it that way, so please – do vote. I ask you all to do that. And vote the right way!!! This has been a sobering year for me. A difficult year for me. Not a banner year for my heart. My father died in January. My mother is dying very rapidly of Alzheimer's disease – she's in the final stages now. I come from, as some of you may know, a very large, Irish Catholic family, and so we are doubly afflicted, and not taking this in the cavalier stride of yesteryear. This probably will not come as a surprise for those of you who are of your middle age and have watched a parent die or watched a parent suffer. I'm surprised at my reaction. It is wobbly. Uncertain. Aghast. I feel un(?) and more like a child than I think I ever did feel as a child. So in the throes of what I've been feeling, particularly regarding my mother. My father died summarily – in two weeks time. Way to go Dad. My father did not pass away – my father died. Took him to the hospital – this is very Irish – I’m going to share it with you though because I'm proud of him. I think one should die the way one lives, right? That was my old man. I came home – my father has never seen a doctor in his whole life. Eighty-three years old. "No need to see 'em. Never did. Never will, God damn it." Right?! "Healthy as a horse, they're only going to make trouble." So. He had trouble with his vision in December, I think it was. And his eyes crossed, which is, of course, not a good sign. So he said, "All right, I'll go in and see the son of a bitch, but I'll tell you what. It's only to correct this vision problem, so I can read and do my crossword puzzles. That's all I care about. We're in and we're going to get the hell out." In we go, and of course, predictably, it was a brain tumor. But it was malignant throughout. So the doctor, instead of being forthright, which is so often the case, and I never get it, was wrong. First do no harm. It's harmful when you lie or deviate, isn't it? My father's eighty-three. Tell him the truth. He deserves it. Well he didn't. "Mr. Mulgrew, we're going to take care of this, it's going to be great. We're going to give you this, we're going to give you that, there's going to be chemo, there's going to be radiation, you're going to be fit as a fiddle. I can buy you a lot of time." He said, "Please tell me the truth, Doctor. Right now. I don't know what the hell you're talking about a lot of the time." The doctor said, "Well, you have cancer of the lung and an inoperable brain tumor on the brain stem and it's only a matter of time." "Before what?" "Well, before you die, Mr. Mulgrew." "Well now look pal, let's talk." My father… "How much time are we talking about?" "Not very long. Six months, eight months, if you adhere to my orders." "And if I don't?" "Three weeks. A month." My father buried his face in his hands for a long moment, then he looked up at the doctor and he said, "Tell me something, Doc. Were you born with this wild sense of humor?" Then he turned to me and he said, "Kit, get my coat, we're going home, we're going to have a cocktail." And we did. We had a cocktail every night for five nights. I told my father how much I loved him – what an extraordinary and magnificent presence he had been in my life. What a tough, tough guy he was on me. He drove me. He was the fuel behind everything I did as an actress. And how I would miss him. And what he felt about death. And I loved his last words. "I don't fear it, Sugar. But God knows, I don't welcome it either." And that was it to my father. So I got the way he did it. In and out. Not so lucky with the love of my life – my grand mother – who no longer not only (doesn't) know my name – but who looks at me as if I'm just some sort of very bizarre figure crossing her vision when I walk in the room. We who were once so passionately and inextricably bound. I find this so wearing on my soul. If I could – tomorrow – alleviate this, I would do it single-handedly. And I would do it with everything I've got. So I said to myself about eight months ago, "It's enough. It's enough." Mrs. Reagan is going to do her bit, Ron Reagan Junior is going to do his – he spoke eloquently, did he not, about stem cell research (much applause) yes… God bless him. But it's not enough, and it's not enough for Alzheimer's. Don't confuse Alzheimer's with stem cell. Alzheimer's needs a billion dollars tomorrow to get this research underway. And the cure is immanent. So I said to myself, "So what are you doing? You're almost fifty and you're sitting on your duff and you're doing nothing. You talk about Alzheimer's and you go on tour with "Tea at Five", and you have little cocktail parties about it, and you do nothing." So I called the national office and I said, "Please elect me to your board and send me out and I'll do everything." I had a wonderful meeting with David Hyde Pierce, I was elected to the board and I've been made their national spokesperson. (much applause) I am dedicated to helping them find a cure, and I beg you, in my travels, which are going to be rather vast and endless this year, to please check my website and attend any of these functions, and please support me. I'm sure many of you have been afflicted and it's just living hell. So let's just… get rid of it, if we can, for one more person. I look at that as my daily effort. There are perks to being a spokesperson for Alzheimer's. I get to go to interesting events. Donald Trump had one. At his polo club in Greenwich, Connecticut where I was invited to speak. And of course I met Mr. Trump himself. Unfortunately I was so riveted by his hairdo that I found myself absolutely speechless! And that's saying something for somebody who herself has worn a number of wacky hairdos, right?! But I've met wonderful people. People of the heart. People who understand that suffering can only be cured by pledging to be a pioneer in a field that is so desperately in need. So I will seek your collective help in that regard. I'm going on tour with my unending one woman show, "Tea at Five" (much applause)… thank you… with which I've had such a marvelous time and it has taken on a life of its own. I… I love her, and I guess… if the shoe fits, right? We had some management problems in New York – don't ask me what they were – they were very wonky. So I lost that team, and a new team has devised itself. And I'll be going to Seattle in September and then Phoenix, I think, in November (ed. - Phoenix in October - tour schedule). I don't think I've actually ever been to Phoenix. Who's from Phoenix? Yes, good, will you come? Great! And Boston, and Hartford, and I think Pittsburgh. (In response to shouts from the audience) "Tea at Five" in Vegas?! Now you know what? I don't like Las Vegas, and here's why! Because I never win!! And I… I'm not kidding! I come into the casino. I feel great, right? I get dressed up. I'm all set. I've had a little nap. I'm going to take my twenty dollars and get my little what do you call it in quarters - the credits or whatever you have - and I go and I check out the machines. Which one am I going to do? Double diamond? No, no, too wild west. Do I want this one? Nah. Black cherry – that's for me. I sit down. I say to my husband, "I'm not ordering a drink until I win five hundred credits." Three hours later…"Can I please have a drink now?!" "I couldn't get beyond twenty credits! I swear to God. I started at five, it's now nine o'clock, right!? Over walks – and this is why I hate Las Vegas and will never, ever forgive it – over walks a woman – or shall I say creature – who really looks as if she were one of those unidentified and unidentifiable alien species that even Janeway couldn't grapple with. She pounds over to the black cherry, right? "How's it goin'?" I said, "Not very well." She pulls a chair up. (Kate makes the sound of a coin going into a slot machine) Ching! Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. She looks at me and says, "Guess the sucker works!" I said, "Make that a double whiskey!" That's really Vegas. Now don't kill me, you guys, please don't. Who has won? (Someone in the audience says 'your husband') He won? Where is he? I forgive you darling!! Last year, four thousand, right? Well he's been at the same machine since we arrived yesterday! I hope he's still breathing! I have a wonderful marriage. I have wonderful marriage. The greatest gift and blessing of my – I wouldn't say later life. You know when they talk about summer, winter… in terms of age? If you're forty-nine, what is it? I say I'm sort of in mid-summer. He says I'm in Indian summer! I said, "I say, oh what do you know, oh winter tree!?" The happiest five years of my life with the best person I have ever met. And when you sleep with the best person you ever met, you’re really in the gravy! He is remarkable beyond words. Decent to the core. Never heard the guy lie. He’s incapable of being anything but warm, genuine and generous and he is leading me into my middle age with a modicum of grace. From the audience: Does he have a twin? KM: Oh baby! He’s got thirteen brothers and sisters! He’s got seven brothers and they’re all up for sale!!! They’re something… dinner though, with the family, is something else! It has been great. My…that part of my life… probably the happiest years of my life… Except for my son. I don’t know if any of you have traveled with me since Voyager began and you met my sons when they were small. Well now they’re very big. They’re six – three. Men of the world. Twenty and twenty-one. My oldest son, who for all of his life was dripping with contempt regarding the entertainment business - I mean had nothing but dripping contempt for everything I did, right? "Oh, are you going to go on… T.V. Ma. Loserville!" Constant. Well of course what it was, was, "I'd like to have a normal mother, just like everybody else, and I don't. I have a mother who dresses up in a weird suit and works in the Delta Quadrant. I am so totally screwed,” right?! He moved to New York, he goes to college at Hunter, he’s having dinner with me one night and he says, “Mother, hold on to your hat. I know you’re not going to believe this - I’ve done a great deal of thinking and I’m entering the conservatory at Circle in the Square to become a professional actor.” It has changed his life. He is flying. He found his passion. He found his joy. The conversations of yesteryear – I used to get on my knees at night and say, ‘Father deliver me from adolescence." I have a son now who says, "What are you making for dinner? Wonderful mother. Let me tell you what happened in physical acting today – the most extraordinary paradigm." And I sit at the table and I think, 'This is it. I'm in heaven. My boy! Going to be an actor!' And he's so happy. So you see, if you live long enough, it all comes full circle. As it has in my life. I had dinner with John Ethan Phillips last night. Who's seen him? Neelix. Of course I spent the whole dinner just staring at him. You fall in love with some people when you meet them and you never stop. Just staring at him and remembering the incredible graciousness of his being – for seven years – on Star Trek: Voyager. The laughter – the hysterical laughter that he gave to all of us. A wonderful friend. I cherish that as you all know. I cherish the loyalty of my fan base – some of whom have been with me so beautifully from day one and have come to see me in all of my various venues – some less successful than others. But it's been a great journey. It's the beginning of my… it's the beginning of my getting of wisdom. And I wish you all to pray for me on this journey. Because it's very easy not to get wisdom when you become a middle-aged woman who has been an actress all her life. It's easy to get a little upset, a little bitter and a little confused. Well I want the getting of wisdom. And I want the getting of grace. And I want to give back what has been certainly a thirty-five year career of unprecedented joy. I have been extraordinarily blessed. I'd like to give back to Alzheimer's. I'd like to give back politically if I can. I'd like to give back socially. And I'd certainly like to give back to you… in the way of humanity. You have been wonderful to me. So I say please join together and help me become more gracious rather than less as I … as I arrive on the second half of the journey of life. I'm going to take just a few questions and then I'm going to do something with Adam. They tell me I have fifteen minutes, right? I'd like to take a few questions if I may. Look at this splendid looking woman. Can you all see her? Q1: What's wrong with being an unidentifiable alien? Kate Mulgrew: Nothing, looking at you Sugar! Q1: Well first off I want to say thank you for coming out today when you've had such a rough year, it's very clear where your… Kate Mulgrew: It's better to come out. Q1: Well it's very clear where your strength and your grace and your wonderful sense of humor all came from. Kate Mulgrew: Thank you. How long did it take you to put that makeup on? Q1: Two hours. Kate Mulgrew: Two hours. Now you know! I hope they paid you very well! Q1: We have a lot of sympathy for the people on Star Trek who have to do this every day. Kate Mulgrew: Do you have a question? Q1: Yah. We were lucky enough to see you in Royal Family when you were in L.A.… Kate Mulgrew: Oh, did you see The Royal Family? Q1: Yes, you were fabulous. Kate Mulgrew: Thank you. Q1: ….Now I'm just going to ask if ("Tea at Five") has any chance of coming to L.A.? Kate Mulgrew: "Tea at Five" in L.A.? The Pasadena Playhouse has made inquiries. So I think I may go to Pasadena. But just check my website and you'll find out. It's going to have a long life, in many incarnations, so don't worry. I'll get there by hook or by crook! Well what the problem is, she's thirty-one in act one. (In the young Hepburn voice) Very young and I'm very gay and I'm very happy and … What am I going to do when I'm sixty!? My husband said, "It's fine. You'll be sixty-five in act one and ninety-two in act… in act two!" Thank God the opening line in act two is "Oops!" Oops and I'll fall right on my duff! Thank you darling. Q1: By the way you look fabulous. Kate Mulgrew: So do you. Thank you. Thank you. This is my natural color! Don't give me that look! Look at that face! Yes? Q2: Hello. Kate Mulgrew: Hi. Q2: You … Kate Mulgrew: I just sat with you, didn't I? Q2: No, you didn't. I guess I have one of those faces… Kate Mulgrew: No, it's the tee-shirt. Q2: Yah, maybe it's the tee-shirt. You had me almost crying over there, I can barely ask my question now. My heart goes out to you. I wish you all the best of luck in the world with everything you do. And… I just love you. You're just such an inspiration to me. Thank you. I'm also forty-nine and … Kate Mulgrew: I didn't actually say how old I was, did I!? There's always one in the crowd! Q2: But you look absolutely gorgeous… Kate Mulgrew: So do you, darling. Q2: You're beautiful…I'm a little jealous, but… Kate Mulgrew: Not at all. Forward and onward, right? Thank you. Q2: You know, I'm sorry to deviate from everything, but you mentioned once that you knew John DeLancie and you're a good friend of his… Kate Mulgrew: Very close to John DeLancie… Q2: Yeah, and I haven't seen him for a while and I'm just wondering where he was, I miss him. Kate Mulgrew: You know John and Marnie are very involved with the Symphony. You should go into his website and find out. And they do wonderful sort of … theatrical skits through the Symphony at the L.A. Philharmonic most notably. He travels all over the country. So he's sort of really concentrating on that right now. But there's never a dull moment with John, you know. He's an entrepreneur. Q2: Thank you very much. Kate Mulgrew: Thank you very much. Yes sir? Q3: Hi Kate. Kate Mulgrew: Hi, how are you? Q3: Fine, thank you. Kate Mulgrew: Good. How old are you? Q3: What? Kate Mulgrew: How old are you? Q3: Too old! Kate Mulgrew: What is wrong with this picture?! That lady and I have just announced to three thousand people – our age. And you're going to be discreet! As all twenty-five year old boys should be, yes? Why? Go on. Q3: One of my favorite episodes I saw you in was a two-parter called "Equinox", with John Savage. Kate Mulgrew: Yes, I loved that. Q3: And I have a two-part question. And that is, John Savage, I've always thought, was an interesting actor so I was wondering what it was like working with him. And also, there's an interrogation scene where Janeway is interrogating the crewman and she's about to unleash the alien creatures on him, and I was just wondering how you felt about that scene? If it was like her being maybe too brutal or you know, about to murder somebody… Kate Mulgrew: Janeway being too brutal? Never brutal enough! First part. John Savage. You know he hasn't worked with the great directors for nothing. He's… he's Brando-esque. He's nuts. And wildly talented. A completely naturalistic actor. What threw him on Star Trek was we are stylized. And we are very, very organized. And he believes in improvisation. So that threw him. But to his enormous credit, I thought he rose to the occasion beautifully. And I loved him as a foil. He was a great foil. But as to the latter part of your question – was Janeway too brutal with her confrontation of the crew? Was it life and death? You (unintelligible) No. I think that it was justified. I don't really remember the scene but I know it was…!! Q4: Hello Kate, it's good to see you again. Kate Mulgrew: How are you, you look great! Q4: Oh thank you. You look great yourself… Kate Mulgrew: Are you having a good time? Q4: Oh yes I am. Kate Mulgrew: Do you all stay up all night playing the slots? Who's a high roller in here? Oh good. Let's all go out and play Slingo together! Q4: … Birthday's on Tuesday… Kate Mulgrew: Your birthday's on Tuesday? Q4: I'll be nineteen. Kate Mulgrew: Happy birthday! Q4: Thank you. One of my favorite episodes, and my best friend's, who I'm here with, is the episode, "Cloud". Kate Mulgrew: "Cloud". Q4: Yeah. Mainly because of your… the face that you make when Neelix pours that … 'better than coffee' substitution. Kate Mulgrew: Ohhh…. Q4: And I was wondering what your thoughts were about that episode. Because it cracks us up every time we see that. Kate Mulgrew: "Cloud." Was it named after a hairdo? I remember the coffee. Yeah. Q4: Yeah. That was the best part. Kate Mulgrew: That was a good scene…(laughs!) I… I don't remember. Oh. We were in the nebula! That's a scientific word! Q4: You were searching the mess hall for coffee. Kate Mulgrew: I remember the scene with Neelix. But I'm trying to remember why we were in a cloud. We got out of the cloud, right? And they were called nebulae! I believe we were stagnating in the nebula. And I extricated us from it because of that wonderful java I had in the mess hall! Why did they name them things like "The Cloud"? Yes? Q5: Hi. Kate Mulgrew: Hi. Q5: I'm thrilled to see you here. Kate Mulgrew: And me you. Thank you. Q5: I'm just curious if you were planning on doing any conventions in the Seattle area any time soon. Kate Mulgrew: I haven't been asked. (audience reacts with disbelief) Wait. Wait! I hear a voice from behind me deep in the nebula! I haven't been asked, but you know what, I'd love to because that's a very strong fan-base up there. And we should do one while I'm there doing "Tea at Five" and make it a two for one, right? All right! Done! Thank you. That's it. That's it. Going to get my episodes, going to get my conventions, I'm leaving here with a full agenda. Hello Sweetheart! Don't tell me how old you are! Are you five? You are great! Stand up straight and ask me your question! You want to come up here on the stage? Come up. Come on up here. Q6: Umm…Captain Janeway… ummm… Captain Janeway like being Captain Janeway… (An adult 'translates' Why do you like being Captain Janeway) Kate Mulgrew: I understood him! Thank you! In fact I thought it was it was very, very clear and remarkable question. A very intelligent and compelling question. A beautiful question. Do you like wearing that suit? Do you like standing on the stage? Do both things make you kind of excited and nervous, but at the same time? Do you have the feeling of 'boy, oh boy, this is my moment'? (child disagrees – much laughter). What can I tell you ladies and gentlemen, he's a man! Well, I would have to say, darling, that's what it's like, being Captain Janeway. And that's how I felt every day for seven years, okay? But thank you for contradicting me! I hope you have a wonderful life. Don't you love them – at five! Madam. How are you? Q7: I'm fine. Kate Mulgrew: Oh. Good. Sorry. (The questioner was a gentleman). Yes. I'm sorry. Q7: What did you enjoy most about being captain of Voyager and was there anything that you really didn't like about it? Kate Mulgrew: I didn't like fatigue, which as you probably know, does not do one any favors on any level, but most particularly the creative one. You've got to have energy to stay on top of that stuff, so when I'd work sixteen, seventeen, eighteen hours, it… that was tough. Some of the story lines I found to be a bit questionable – sometimes weak. But that was par for the course in a long season. But aside from that, I would say very, very little. I understood what it was. Q7: I'm told that you didn't like them changing your hairstyles… Kate Mulgrew: I did not. How would you? Q7: I saw an interview with you, actually… Kate Mulgrew: You did one with me? Q7: No, I've seen it on Star Trek night… Kate Mulgrew: Uh huh? Q7: And you gave a message to Patrick Stewart: "You lucky devil"! Kate Mulgrew: Well isn't he?! In and out of makeup in five minutes, I think! (In a very deep voice, imitating Stewart) And everybody simply adores him. I thought it really sucked! Yeah. My contention has been philosophically that they hired a woman to sit in the captain's seat and it made them very nervous. So rather than go to the source of the problem, which was is this broad going to be able to carry this off, 'cause we've got billions of dollars riding on this thing, or not, let's change her hair! Keep them guessing. And I – you know – a lot of you know this – I can't stand being touched all the time. You know – with the up hair and the down hair and anyway it's too boring for words. But did I envy Patrick Stewart? Yes. Yes. And you all thought he was a sexy beast, didn't you?! They should have shaved me, day one! Thank you darling. Thank you. Yes madam. Oh, don't you look good. Q8: Thank you. It took a long time. I'm really not a freak! Kate Mulgrew: No! Q8: I want to say, I'm nineteen and my father died of a sudden stroke last year in my arms… Kate Mulgrew: I'm so sorry…I’m sorry darling, you're very young to lose your father… Q8: Yeah. But you helped a lot, so thank you for that. But my question is serious, okay? I go to Humboldt State, and I don't know if you know the reputation, but I live in an all girl hall and they spend a lot of time in their rooms. And they don't get out very much. Kate Mulgrew: The girls don't? Q8: Yeah. Kate Mulgrew: Oh. Q8: And so … I don't, they do. And so I tried to get them to vote last year and they wouldn't. There's thirty of us. I was the only one that voted. And we all get together and watch Star Trek. I'm the facilitator. And they all love it. So I was thinking if I came here and asked you to specifically ask them to vote this year and I guarantee they will all vote… for Kerry! Kate Mulgrew: I am specifically asking them to vote. How will we expedite this? I am specifically asking them. Q8: Specifically say, "Sunset Girls get out there. The Sunset Dorm Girls…" Just say "Sunset Dorm Girls all vote." And then I can point to it on the computer… Kate Mulgrew: Sunset Dorm Girls, get out there and vote!!! Suddenly they're all getting up and telling me they're nineteen! What started out lovely has become devastating! Yes, yes? Hello. Q9: Hello. Thank you for being here. Kate Mulgrew: How are you? Q9: Oh fabulous. This is the best day of my life. Kate Mulgrew: Aw…. Q9: Two things. Kate Mulgrew: What a nice thing… Q9: We're here – she's from London… Kate Mulgrew: Hello. Q9: …I'm from Nevada, and we want you to come to California and London, England with "Tea at Five". Kate Mulgrew: With "Tea at Five". Q9: With "Tea at Five". Kate Mulgrew: I'd love to come to London. And Nevada, of course. Q9: And those are for you, to say thank you. Kate Mulgrew: Oh how lovely they are, thank you very much. May I shake your… your hands. Q9a: I too have got a relative who suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and I know how horrid and distressing a time… I do want to know if there's any chance of you coming to England to help the British Alzheimer's Association… Kate Mulgrew: I don't know. I think the likelihood is probably great. I mean this is a global effort, as you know. So I want to be… I really want to be active. I'm quite prepared to give up a lot. Q9:a. (Unintelligible) Kate Mulgrew: Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you ladies. How nice. (To someone off-stage) Where are we Adam, because I want to do your mother justice? Why don't we do it and then we'll have a little time to…pardon me? In about three minutes? Okay. All right. Okay. Sir. Yes? Q10: I'm visiting from Australia and…. to see you, I think you're fantastic… Kate Mulgrew: You're Australian. Q10: Yes. Kate Mulgrew: Such good looking devils! Q10: And single! Kate Mulgrew: Ah…. He wants to come up on the stage. What is your question? Q10: If you could, I know we only have a short moment of time left, but if you could tell me some of the funniest moments that you had on Voyager, behind the scenes. Kate Mulgrew: I have so many. I mean I… I… they were endless. You all know it. They were scatological and vulgar! So for me to share them with you, you would lose respect for me! And respect for my crew. But since we're on the subject… Every Friday night, after midnight, there were naked men on that bridge! Because it was after midnight that they always decided to do Captain Janeway's close-ups. "Captain, are you ready – are you ready Kate?" Yeah. Turn. Tim Russ. Buck naked. They always tried to get me. And they always succeeded. You'll notice in my close-ups that I'm never looking them in the eye! Hope springs eternal! They were unbelievably funny. And if there is one thing that saved us from despair – because there were nights when I thought, God, I'm going to hang myself – they were so gifted. Robert Beltran could do multiple imitations. In three minutes, Burt Lancaster doing Frank Sinatra doing Ronald Reagan. And doing them all talking to each other. And Robbie McNeill would get up and do a little dance. They were just… they were stunningly funny. So I had that to save me, but coming from a very large Irish Catholic family, and I do hope they'll forgive me – it was mostly pretty disgusting! Lot of spitballs. Lot of nudity. Lot of fun. Yes Ma'am. Q11: I just want to say that Voyager's my favorite series and you're my favorite captain. Kate Mulgrew: Thank you. Thank you. Q11: And what made you my favorite captain was that, you know you had a very never say die spirit and you always had this goal and you did everything at the goal to get there. I just wanted to know… Kate Mulgrew: Except on Friday nights…then I took the fast shuttle! Yes? Q11: I just wanted to know, when you took the role, did you think you would have to be a role model for women, being the first woman captain on the series. Kate Mulgrew: I wasn't thinking that far ahead. Thank God! Because if I had been I… I don't know. Don't forget. Genevieve Bujold had the role – for a day. She lasted one day. Yup. Eighteen hours and it was 'assez' (enough, ed.), as they say in French. I'm glad that I got the role on a Thursday and started I to shoot on Monday. Shot out of the cannon. I didn't have time to think. And it stood me in good stead all of these years. I hope that I have become a role model and I hope that I continue to endure as one. But going in I had no idea. And I want to say something to you now, because there are two kinds of role models. Those who are full of it, and those who aren't. Those who think they want to be role models – just be role models, right. Look at our current administration. And those who have the humility to understand that it's a biiiig job. It's a big job. And it requires a certain genuine approach and honesty, and I think a love of what I was doing with Janeway all those years. So I tried not to flag, and I tried never to lie and if that's what made me abide as a role model, then I'm gratified and I thank you. Audience Member: Janeway for President! Kate Mulgrew: I'd be an improvement, I can promise you that!! Q12: I just want to say that you're my favorite character and I want to ask you how did you decide to take the role of Captain Janeway and what did it bring to your life? Kate Mulgrew: Well I was offered it before I accepted it! And that was a no-brainer. And it changed my life utterly, and in the most extraordinary ways. And it has had an absolute astro-psychonomic effect – which means it has worked like a butterfly in my life. Much larger than anything I could have dreamt of. Much faster and much deeper. But the role model part and the young women part, and the young men part too, has meant a great deal to me. So I hope that answers your question. I'm going to get to something that I think is very important – it certainly is to Adam Malin, and it is to me. The promoter, as you know, is Adam Malin – were it not for him we would not be gathered here today in such a successful venue. (applause) Thank Adam. Adam's mother, Sally Malin, was a teacher, and by all accounts a rather extraordinary woman. I am here today to present an award, called the Sally Malin Award, to an educator who has – there were many contenders obviously for this award – I'm going to read you a little bit about them. But the recipient – the winner – is here today. Hopefully here today! And I would like to present this award to her because we live in a world – how many teachers are there in the audience? You're rolling in the dough, aren’t you?! Living the gravy life, aren't you!? Huh?! Nothing but opulence! It's the hardest, most merciless, least forgiving and most wonderful vocation that you can choose in this country today, with the possible exception of nursing. The teachers are the unsung heroes and the unsung angels of our culture and of our society. They are underpaid, they are overlooked (much applause)… and under my administration…! (much laughter and applause) I'll tell you what. This is what will change in the next four years if you vote on a Democratic ticket. These people are the foundation of our society and I think educators are the heart and soul. So I have nothing but admiration for them, and for this woman. Let me read to you a little bit about Adam's mother. Adam, I did not have a chance to ask you this – is your mother still living? (listens) She passed away in '85. This is… these are some words about Adam's mother. Clearly… written by her sister, but clearly you love her very much, don't you? So you see it never ends with the mothers. It never ends. Reads: Sally Malin graduated from the University of Michigan in 1943. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree after completing a dual major in Journalism and Radio Broadcasting. After graduation she headed for Boston where she began working at radio station WCOP and initiated one of the area's first talk shows that was hosted by a woman. The show was entitled "Girl About Town" and reviewed current theater openings, films, concerts, etc. She remained at WCOP for two years. In 1945 she joined station WAAT in Newark, New Jersey, where she again introduced "Girl About Town" and remained there until 1946. At that time she decided to explore professional possibilities in the advertising world and signed on as a fashion copy-writer at Stirling Advertising in New York City. (aside) I know it. She remained in advertising until 1964 when she decided that the time had come for a complete career change, and then took the various courses required to become certified as an English teacher in secondary education. In September 1964 she joined the faculty of Russell Sage Junior High School in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, and remained there until her death in 1985. Sally was a brilliant and inspired teacher who was able to reach her students whether they were gifted, average or slow. She introduced her seventh and eighth graders to the world's great literature and also taught them to write essays that were both cogent and creative. Her students loved her class and loved her, as her assignments were both interesting and fun. She truly bothered with the youngsters, and as the years went by they continued to keep up their contact with her. Sally's lesson plans were carefully planned. A sizeable portion of her summer vacation was devoted to extensive preparation for the upcoming school year. Sally Malin was more than a first rate teacher. She was an inspiration to all of the students who were fortunate enough to be in her classes and was most certainly a role model for all of those who teach. This is a list of the teachers recognized by Creation Entertainment today, all of whom applied. From as far away as Japan and Argentina. And some may be in this room, so if your name is called, would you please stand up and acknowledge that you are indeed very admired. (Kate read the list of nominated teachers) May we please have a round of applause for all these fine people. And I am very pleased and proud to announce that the winner of all those who applied is indeed present. I think I saw her standing. We would like to congratulate her heartily. Barbara Givens – will you please stand. Please come up to the stage, Barbara. Congratulations. How are you?! Barbara Givens: Oh. Very good. I'm from Las Vegas! Kate Mulgrew: Can you teach me Slingo?! Where do you teach? Barbara Givens: I was teaching in Chaparral High School. I taught high school biology and science, and I also have a degree in history. I've lived here fifty-two years. Kate Mulgrew: Have you. And she's a beautiful woman. Congratulations to you. I have some beautiful words here. Perhaps you'd like to read it, or I can read it about you. But I think maybe it would be …wonderful. Well, this is Barbara Givens, and she is a high school science teacher having taught biology and earth science for the Clark County School district in Las Vegas Nevada for twenty-five years. She has a bachelor degree from the University of Nevada, Reno, and a masters plus sixty credits from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Additionally she earned a major in World History. She has incorporated countless themes, theories and ideals that have fueled the Star Trek franchises into her classroom teaching. The stories have provided a marvelous way for her students to contemplate life beyond our own, while imagining the infinite possibilities of discoveries deep space exploration might reveal. This is so gratifying. Certainly. I mean it must be wonderful for you, but it's a double whammy for me. You see. This is what it's all about. Oh my God. You've used a lot of story lines, haven't you? She's used inter-racial physical resemblance of the DNA. Explained the plot for healing inter-galactic species relationships. This is to support her teaching. Story lines. (missed portion - picks up after presentation) Missed Question ? Kate Mulgrew: … would sacrifice her life. But it was a long good bye, darling. It was three weeks of saying good bye to everybody. And it… my scene with Tuvok was … it comes right back. I will share this story with you. Remember the scene. He's got Alzheimer's. Tuvok. I come in to say good bye. He doesn't know that it's good bye, but I do. I was so full, and so was he. We got it in one take, right. And sometimes you just know that you're never going to get another take like that. You just know that in a way you're saying to the other person - thank you for these seven years – if we never meet again – what a fabulous comrade you have been to me in the trenches. Well what do you think? I get out, I'm taking my makeup off. "Kate, hold it!" Flag on the play. There was something wrong with the lighting. We had to do it again. Well as a tribute to my friendship with Mr. Russ, we did it again. And it was even better. But the whole three weeks was like that. It was agony. Roxann. Robbie. Bob. I mean – ahhh… I miss them so. So this is not the answer you were hoping to get, was it? But that's the answer. But that's what an "Endgame" is, Sugar, right? The end. Q13: Thanks. Kate Mulgrew: You're welcome. Q14: We were fortunate enough to join you for "Tea" in Palm Beach. Kate Mulgrew: That was for Alzheimer's. Q14: You had quite an extended stay there. Kate Mulgrew: I certainly did. Q14: On your website, though, you mentioned that for the most part your stay in Palm Beach was enjoyable and I wondered if the Floridians did something to mar your visit? Kate Mulgrew: Oh no. No. Q14: Was the weather too muggy? Kate Mulgrew: The Floridians were lovely and charming. I think that our advertising campaign in West Palm Beach was not up to what it should have been, and therefore our sales were not as robust as I had hoped. And of course the great pleasure of doing a one woman show is to have a significant audience to do it to. So that was the only thing I struggled with. Because as you know there's a high season and an off season, and we were not educated enough to determine which was high and which was off. I was left to find that out for myself, evidently! But the Floridians themselves were very generous. Q14: You did several radio shows… Kate Mulgrew: I did. I did. Yes. Yes. And it's lovely. It's sunny. Q14: So you're going to re take the tour? Kate Mulgrew: I'm going to do those four cities that I named, yes. Q14: Great. Kate Mulgrew: And then I'll just pull it out whenever I like, right? Thank you. Thank you. Are you giving me a time signal? One more question. Q15: Madam President, Elect. …. If I was to ask you who your favorite Captain was, because I was at the Blackpool Convention… Kate Mulgrew: You were at the Blackpool Convention? Patrick Stewart was there as well. Big surprise! That's so tough. How can you ask me who my favorite was. I love Bill Shatner. I have to tell you, his irreverence to me is absolutely charming. But I think Patrick Stewart was the quintessential - wasn't he - captain. From the Audience: You were the best! Kate Mulgrew: And then there was that funny looking little girl over there on Voyager!! I don't know. But it's a wonderful way to end this hour by saying I don't have to answer it, do I!? Because I'm the only female captain of that Star Ship. And I loved every minute of it, and I think you're all great! Thank you very much. |
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