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French Wines: The Essential Guide to the Wines and Wine Growing Regions of France . If you want to buy it click on the picture

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The Corsican Wine Trail

Corsica, with its beaches, its paths and bridle-ways, its tiny villages, its Mediterranean climate and its sublime countryside, attracts flocks of tourists every year. And whilst the local wine is not necessarily the prime preoccupation of visitors, it is all the same one of the island's assets that is not to be neglected...
Following our Corsican Wine Trail is a refreshingly original way of discovering the Beautiful Island, which usually, and quite rightly, attracts tourists for quite different reasons. Whilst the island's wines are not yet in themselves a sufficient reason for undertaking the journey, nevertheless if you are already spending a few days on holiday in Corsica you will certainly derive additional pleasure from a glass of Muscat du Cap Corse or a red wine from Ajaccio or Patrimonio. And when you get back home, you will not need to blush when sharing with friends or family a bottle from one of the wine producers who are a credit to the vineyards of Corsica.

A brief history
Whereas for a long time Corsica produced table wine without too much attention to quality, the trend has now been completely reversed...


The characteristics
Corsican wines are produced using unusual varieties of grape, often Italian in origin, and when well made they are often very pleasant to drink...


One regional appellation - AOC Vin de Corse - and a number of local appellations - AOC Ajaccio, AOC Patrimonio, AOC Muscat du Cap Corse.


En route!
Whilst vines are cultivated everywhere on the coastal areas of the island, the best wines are in the far north and around Ajaccio.


The Corsican Wine trail


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