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French Wines: The Essential Guide to the Wines and Wine Growing Regions of France . If you want to buy it click on the picture

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You don't have to be a lover of great wines to appreciate the wine-producing regions of France. You will love them for the sake of their beautiful countryside, their lively traditions, their friendly and welcoming tables and their picturesque villages. Of course, enjoying good wines will not take anything away from all those pleasures!

To find hotels situated in the finest vineyards, just click on your favourite wines!

Alsace Wine Trail  You will thoroughly enjoy a weekend on the wine trail from Strasbourg to Mulhouse via Colmar. Picturesque villages, lush green landscapes and excellent white wines are waiting just for you...


The Beaujolais Wine Trail  Between Mâcon and Lyon, you will discover the lush slopes of the Beaujolais countryside, renowned all over the world ever since an alert wine-merchant by the name of Georges Duboeuf hit upon the idea of promoting Beaujolais nouveau by offering it for consumption just a few weeks after the harvesting of the grapes. It would however be a mistake to limit your pleasures to Beaujolais nouveau: there are plenty of producers offering a whole range of lively red wines, the best of which are well worth the attention of the informed oenophile.


Bordeaux Wine Trail  If there is any single region in France worthy of a visit by the wine-loving traveller, it is surely the Bordeaux region, where the world's widest range of wines and the best-known estates are to be found. Moreover, the singularly mild climate and the closeness of the Atlantic make it a specially privileged destination.



The Burgundy Wine Trail  Renowned all over the world, the wines of Burgundy contribute at least as much as Bordeaux and Champagne to the fame that France enjoys in matters viticultural. The area of vine cultivation begins in the Yonne department, barely two hours from Paris. It is an unspoilt region of traditions, charm and secret corners, where the past still plays an important role in the present. And you will enjoy sampling some truly great wines, both red and white.


Champagne Wine Trail  The vineyards of the Champagne region start less than 200 kilometres north-east of Paris, which (if you're in Paris already) makes them a good place to go to for a weekend stay, or even just for the day.
You'll explore a region full of charm, visit the magnificent cathedral in Reims and meet some of the producers of the world-famous wine that we call champagne...


The Corsican Wine Trail  Corsica, with its beaches, its paths and bridle-ways, its tiny villages, its Mediterranean climate and its sublime countryside, attracts flocks of tourists every year. And whilst the local wine is not necessarily the prime preoccupation of visitors, it is all the same one of the island's assets that is not to be neglected...


The Northern Côtes-du-Rhône Wine Trail  From Vienne to Valence, the northern part of our wine trail through the Rhône Valley will show you the delights of Condrieu, Crozes-Hermitage and Cornas and give you the opportunity to sample some excellent red and white wines, some of which, like Côte-Rotie, can compete in quality with good Bordeaux or Burgundies without having (as yet) reached the same price levels.


The Southern Côtes-du-Rhône Wine Trail  The southern part of the Rhône Valley manages to combine the charms of Provence with the pleasures offered by wine. Following our wine trail you will be seduced by the beauty of the countryside and the small villages, and you will discover red, white and rosé wines full of character, the best known of them coming, without a shadow of doubt, from Châteauneuf-du-Pape.


Jura Wine Trail  The Jura is a region well known for its cheeses, especially Comté, and for its undulating landscapes. Winters are cold and ideal for cross-country skiing. But its summers are warm enough to allow vines to be cultivated. Jura wines have their own special characteristics, especially the most outstanding one, the mysterious vin jaune from Château-Châlon...


The Provence Wine Trail  Marseille, Cassis, Toulon, Hyères, Saint-Raphaël, Saint-Tropez, Cannes, Nice: magical names whose mere mention summons up pictures of the Côte d'Azur, holidays, the sea and the blue sky.... And in addition to all of its tourist attractions the region produces very good wines - especially rosés - which are a wonderful accompaniment to the delicious Provençal cuisine. Just let your senses be your guide, and you'll not regret you came...


The Pyrenees Wine Trail  The south-western corner of France, from the Landes to the Béarn and including the area on the frontier between France and Spain, is a favourite destination for visitors in search of the beauty of nature and a traditional unspoilt way of life. This countryside, preserved from the ravages of time, has for long produced its own characteristic wines, reds, whites and a small quantity of rosés, bearing the names, among others, of Irouléguy, Jurançon, Madiran, Pacherenc...


Savoie Wine Trail  Savoy is one of France's most beautiful tourist destinations, where winter is for skiing, summer for walks in the mountains. But were you also aware that it is also a charming and delightful region that produces lovely wines, mostly whites, that will reward you for all your energetic exertions?


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