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Rotary Manure Spreader - Old vs. New


Traditional "Box-Type" Spreader

The "Rotary" Spreader

  • Damage may occur if manure is too wet and/or heavy
  • ROTATING DRUM makes manure weight work FOR you! (70% moisture or less is best)
  • Stuck or wedged manure stops all spreading
  • NO clumping or bridging
  • Broken chains & cables
  • NO chains or cables to break
  • Rust holes in wagon
  • Structural steel expanded metal drum powder coated for corrosion resistance
  • Worn out belts
  • NO belts
  • Pasture unusable until waste has dissipated (sometimes taking a year or more)
  • Shredded manure dissiptes within 2 weeks of spreading, allowing horses to return to the pasture MUCH soon.
  • Discing or dragging fields is often needed
  • Manure already shredded. No need to disc or drag.
  • Large chunks fly out creating fly breeding hotspots
  • Shredded manure dries quickly, virtually eliminating fly-breeding potential.
  • Hay, long grasses, or twine may jam blades and break chains
  • Uneaten hay collection system prevents clogging or jamming
  • Heavy tongue weight when filled with manure. Weight makes it difficult to move and hitch up
  • Weight balanced in four-wheeled frame keeps weight off of movable hitch
  • Turning and spreading is virtually impossible due to one tire driving the blades and the other tire dragging the manure to the blades
  • Tires have one job only: turning the rotating drum. This insures a nice even spread of manure, even in the tightest of corners. (see below)

Rotary Close-Up

Sizes & Pricing

Old vs. New

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